IGNOU BAG Solved Assignment 2022 Download PDF

If We know that you are Seen on IGNOU CBCS BAG SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-2022 Free Download PDF, So we have uploaded all the BAG Solved Assignment for you here, so that you do not have any problem.

The IGNOU Student can download the IGNOU BAG Solved Assignment 2022 from the official website of Ignou . The online IGNOU 2022 Solved Assignment is available ,Also All study materials are available in PDF format. The study resources will help the students score well in the exam.


Course Code   Title of the CourseDownload
BANC 131Anthropology and Research Methods मानव विज्ञान और शोध विधिClick Here
BANC 132Fundamentals of Biological AnthropologyClick Here
BANC 133Fundamentals of Social and Cultural Anthropology
सामाजिक और सांस्कृतिक नृविज्ञान के मूल सिद्धांत
Click Here
BANC 134Fundamentals of Archaeological Anthropology
पुरातात्विक मानव विज्ञान के मूल तत्व
Click Here


BECC 131Principles of Microeconomics-I व्यष्टि- अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत-IClick Here
BECC 132Principles of Microeconomics-IIClick Here
BECC 133Principles of Macroeconomics-I
समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत. i
Click Here
BECC 134Principles of Macroeconomics-II
समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत ii
Click Here


BHIC 131History of India from the Earliest Times upto 300 CEClick Here
BHIC 132History of India from C.300 to 1206Click Here
BHIC 133History of India from C.1206 to 1707Click Here
BHIC 134History of India from C 1707 to 1950Click Here

Political Science

BPSC 131Introduction to Political TheoryClick Here
BPSC 132Indian Government and PoliticsClick Here
BPSC 133Comparative Government and PoliticsClick Here
BPSC 134Introduction  to International RelationsClick Here


BPCC 131Foundations of PsychologyClick Here
BPCC 132Introduction to Social PsychologyClick Here
BPCC 133Psychological DisordersClick Here
BPCC 134Statistical Methods and Psychological ResearchClick Here

Public Administration

BPAC 131Perspectives on Public AdministrationClick Here
BPAC 132Administrative ThinkersClick Here
BPAC 133Administrative system at Union LevelClick Here
BPAC 134Administrative system at State and District LevelClick Here


BSOC 131Introduction to SociologyClick Here
BSOC 132Sociology of IndiaClick Here
BSOC 133Sociological Theories समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धांतClick Here
BSOC 134Methods of Sociological Enquiry समाजशास्त्रीय अनुसंधान की विधियाँClick Here



BHDC 131हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहासClick Here
BHDC 132मध्यकालीन हिंदी कविताClick Here
BHDC 133आधुनिक हिंदी कविताClick Here
BHDC 134हिंदी गध्य साहित्यClick Here
BHDLA 135हिंदी भाषा : विविध प्रयोगClick Here
BHDLA 136हिंदी भाषा : लेखन कौशलClick Here
BHDLA 137हिंदी भाषा : संप्रेषण कौशलClick Here
BHDLA 138हिंदी साहित्य: विविध विधायेClick Here


BUDC 131Study of Prose & Poetic Form in UrduClick Here
BUDC 132Study of Urdu Classical GhazalClick Here
BUDC 133Origin & Development of Urdu Languageउर्दू भाषा की उत्पत्ति और विकासClick Here
BUDC 134Study of Urdu Nazmउर्दू नज्म का अध्ययनClick Here
BUDLA 135Study of Modern Urdu Prose & PoetryClick Here


BEGC 131Individual & SocietyClick Here
BEGC 132Selections From Indian Writing: Cultural DiversityClick Here
BEGC 133British LiteratureClick Here
BEGC 134Reading The NovelClick Here
BEGLA  135English In Daily LifeClick Here
BEGLA 136English At The Work PlaceClick Here
BEGLA 137Language Through LiteratureClick Here
BEGLA 138Reading And Speaking SkillsClick Here


BSKC 131संस्कृत पद्य साहित्यClick Here
BSKC 132संस्कृत गद्य साहित्यClick Here
BSKC 133संस्कृत नाटकClick Here
BSKC 134संस्कृत व्याकरणClick Here
BSKLA-135संस्कृत साहित्य एवं व्याकरणClick Here


BMTC 131CalculusClick Here
BMTC 132Differential EquationsClick Here
BMTC 133Real Analysis
रीयल एनालिसिस
Click Here
BMTC 134Algebra
Click Here


Course CodeTitle of the CourseDownload
BANE 145Applied Anthropology Click Here
BANE 146Anthropology of Indigenous PeopleClick Here


BECC 111Indian Economy – I Click Here
BECC 113Indian Economy – IIClick Here


BHIE 141History of China : C. 1840-1978Click Here
BHIE 142History of EnvironmentClick Here
BHIE 143Traditions of History Writing in IndiaClick Here
BHIE 144Some aspects of European History : C. 1789 – 1945Click Here

Political Science

BPSE 141Gandhi and the Contemporary WorldClick Here
BPSE 142India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing WorldClick Here
BPSE 143State Politics in IndiaClick Here
BPSE 144Introduction to South AsiaClick Here
BPSE 145Democracy and Development in Northeast IndiaClick Here
BPSE 146Conflict Resolution and PeacebuildingClick Here


BPCE 145Counselling PsychologyClick Here
BPCE 146Industrial/ Organisational PsychologyClick Here

Public Administration

BPAE 141Right to InformationClick Here
BPAE 142Organizational BehaviourClick Here
BPAE 143Administrative System in BRICSClick Here
BPAE 144Social Policies and AdministrationClick Here


BSOE 145Religion and SocietyClick Here
BSOE 146Marriage, Family, and KinshipClick Here
BSOE 148Social StratificationClick Here


BHDE 141अस्मिता मूलक विमर्श और हिंदी साहित्यClick Here
BHDE 142राष्ट्रीय काव्य धाराClick Here
BHDE 143प्रेमचंदClick Here
BHDE 144छायावादClick Here
BHDE 145कबीरClick Here
BHDE 146छायावादोत्तर हिंदी कविताClick Here



BUDE 141Study of Poet Mirza GhalibClick Here
BUDE 142Study of Prose Writer Meer Amman DehlawiClick Here


BEGE  141Understanding Prose Click Here
BEGE  142Understanding DramaClick Here
BEGE  143Understanding PoetryClick Here
BEGE 144Soft SkillsClick Here


BSKE 141आयुर्वेद के मूलआधार Click Here
BSKE 142रंग मंच और नाट्य कलाClick Here


BMTE 141Linear AlgebraClick Here
BMTE 144Numerical AnalysisClick Here

How to Download IGNOU BAG Solved Assignment ?

The Student can download the Solved Assignments online. The free of cost Solved Assignment is easily accessible to the aspirants and helps them to prepare for the test. Find below the steps to download the IGNOU Solved Assignment 2021 2022

  1. Visit the IGNOU Official Website ignou.ac.in
  2. Go to Student Zone Section.
  3. Click on the Assignment Section.
  4. Choose Your Programm
  5. Then Select Your Year Of Assignment.
  6. And Finally Download the Assignment.