Passing Marks in IGNOU TEE Exam 2022 [Check Here ]

Passing Marks in IGNOU TEE Exam : if You are Student of IGNOU and Give Your IGNOU Term End Exam then Know Your Passing Marks .Most candidates are unclear about the minimum marks in IGNOU to qualify for their chosen program.

 The first thing every student wants to know after taking admission to IGNOU is the score requirement for both the theory as well as the practical papers of the term-end examination.

Passing Marks in IGNOU TEE Exam 2022 [Check Here ]

It is critical to clarify that passing marks does not mean that you merely prepare to get minimum marks on the exam. Study hard to get maximum marks on IGNOU Term End Exam.

For Master Degree courses as well as all other courses offered by IGNOU, qualifying marks vary in theory papers and assignments. In this section, we’ve made it easier for you to find out how many marks you need to complete your program at IGNOU.

IGNOU Assignment Passing Marks: What are they?

Master’s Degree Program 40 marks out of 100
Bachelor Degree Program40 marks out of 100 & 35
Assignment40 marks out of 100
Certificate And Diploma Courses25 marks out of 70 & 20 Mark out of 50

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IGNOU Assignments must be passed with a minimum of 40 marks out of 100. In all academic courses offered by IGNOU, the required marks will be the same. In case of failure to achieve minimum marks in IGNOU Assignment, the candidate must resubmit the assignment.

Term End Exam (TEE) passing marks for IGNOU

  • The Master’s Degree Program requires a minimum of 40 marks out of 100 to pass the theory or practical papers.
  • The Bachelor Degree Program passing mark in IGNOU TEE Exam is increasing to 40 (from 35 previously) out of 100 all other programs.

IGNOU Passing Marks For Certificate And Diploma Courses

It is mandatory for candidates to achieve at least 25 marks out of the total of 70 marks on a 70-mark question paper. For bachelor degree exams, candidates must get minimum 20 marks to pass, and for master degree exams, they must get minimum 20 marks to pass.

It is our sincerest hope that you received the information you needed about the passing marks to qualify for the IGNOU term-end examination. you needed about passing marks. Please let us know your queries about the Passing Marks in IGNOU by writing and commenting here if you are still unclear after reading many articles.

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FAQ on Passing Marks in IGNOU TEE Exam 2022

What is the passing marks for IGNOU out of 100?

For passing the IGNOU exam you just have to secure 40% which means that 40 marks out of 100. So you have to get a minimum of 40 marks in the TEE theory. And for the assignment exams, you have to secure 50% which means 50 marks out of 100.

How students can check the IGNOU passing Marks?

We are going to provide some simple steps for checking passing marks for different subjects from the official site. First of all, you have to go to this website of IGNOU Now in the Home Page, you have to select the subject for the preferred subject. Now click on the Download button for getting the Passing marks list. Now save it and open it on PDF.

IGNOU marks calculated How ?

Total marks = 49 marks + 15 marks = 64 marks. To calculate the percentage, the student needs to divide the total marks by 1200 and multiply by 100. Also Read: IGNOU reviews

Is IGNOU difficult to pass?

Is going to be lot tougher than any other university around IGNOU, even your regular course may be much easier, than what you will go through IGNOU

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